We do not only ship in the Netherlands, but also to other countries in Europe. For this we use the PostNL network. When we process your order, which in 99.9% of the cases is directly available from stock, we report your order to PostNL. You will receive an e-mail with the delivery details.
Please note! For both the Netherlands and Belgium: if you order before 3pm, you will receive your order the next day on workdays. PostNL also delivers on Saturdays, so if you order before 3pm on Friday, you will receive your order even on Saturday.
The shipping costs per order, regardless of size or weight, are shown below per country. These are automatically applied in the shopping cart when you select your delivery address (country).
- Netherlands: €4.95 to €50, above that free shipping.
- Belgium: €4.95 to €50, above that free shipping.
Reflection period & right of withdrawal
You have the right to cancel your order up to 30 days after receipt without giving any reason. After cancellation you have another 14 days to return your product. The full order amount, including shipping costs, will then be credited. Only the costs for returning from your home to the webshop are at your own expense.
If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product must be returned to us with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging. If the product is damaged or the packaging is damaged more than necessary to try the product, we can pass on the reduction in value of the product to you. Therefore, treat the product with care and ensure that it is properly packaged when returning it.
To exercise this right, you can contact us via info@ledplanet.nl . We will refund the order amount due within 14 days after receipt of your return, provided that the product has been returned in good condition.